
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Dorset pt 1

So... For the last few days I have been in Dorset on my university field trip... And so far it's been pretty interesting!! What in learnt from today is basically that Portland is kind of sliding into the sea because of the fact that it has an unusual stratigraphic formation and the heavier Portland and Perbeck beds are deposited on top of a bed of kimmeridge clay.. Anyway we saw some dinosaur footprints:

We then went down onto Portland Bill where we saw the 200,000 year old raised marine deposits (raised beaches), the weather as per usual this week then got quite stormy and I was able to get some nice pictures of wave spray!! 

Anyway that was today!! I know it's not the most geological of posts but there we go... More of an excuse to put photos of geology stuff up... Hopefully should have some more bits up soon!!! 

Friday 3 October 2014

Bigger update!!!
Well.. having now gone back to universoty o have the pleasure of saying that i am now also one pf the student ambasadors to GFGD (Geology for Global Development) Plymouth. so alond with my fellow ambasador i hope to be doing alot more with them this year

On Posts

hopefully should be one ariving shortly= im just finishing one so yeh hopefully update soon!!!